Source texts: The Golden Wheel Dream-Book and Fortune-Teller, by Felix Fontaine, 1862, and Dreer’s Autumn 1896 Seed Catalogue.
Dreamer’s 1897 Mid-Summer Catalogue
Dreamer’s Mid-Summer Catalogue 1897
Start-You-Right Dream Seeds for Summer Sowing
Dreams are likely subject to change with our prize winning seed.
The very best quality and luxuriant crop.
Source text: Dreer’s Autumn 1897 Seed Catalogue.
Funnel-Shaped Dreams
Here is another warning about becoming obsessed with a dream.
This writer uses the metaphor of a tornado to tell her readers that an intensely moving dream can easily pull a dreamer into its orbit.
Funnel-Shaped Dreams
During the afternoon of 12 July, 1848
there appeared dreams
resembling whirlpools*
They were not ordinary visions.
The centres of the columns changed
owing to violent writhing.
Only a little song fell from any of them, and still
they pulled in listeners.
*These were nearer than I ever before saw
Source text: The Ocean by Jordan, William Leighton Publication date 1885.
Dreams Caught in Eddies Quiz
Here is another warning against obsession. This writer uses the metaphor of eddies to illustrate the feelings of the intense forces around obsession. Her last line suggests that a person can accidentally fall into obsession if not careful.
She has used this source text: The Ocean: A Treatise on Ocean Currents and Tides and Their Causes by William Leighton Jordan, 1885
Quiz: Dreams Caught in Eddies are
A Comfortable
B Trustworthy
C Dangerously fanatical
The unavoidable and correct answer is C.
This is a warning to careless dreamers.