This Convenience is from the Whimsy tradition, one of my favorite traditions.
An Evening from a Dreamer’s Note-Book
Locate Whimsicalities:
It is marvellous [sic] how much amusement
can be got our of tantalizingly bewitching
Ideas and Images.
by Georgia
This Convenience is from the Whimsy tradition, one of my favorite traditions.
Locate Whimsicalities:
It is marvellous [sic] how much amusement
can be got our of tantalizingly bewitching
Ideas and Images.
by Georgia
The creator of this convenience relies totally on the potential client’s visual sense, as there is no text attached to the image.
Each reader is left to scan the image for meaning, without clues.
The creator seems to suggest that there is a medicinal (or, perhaps, magic) potion that can be prescribed to a client for sweet dreams.
There are certainly some convenience practitioners supporting this idea.
Most, however, argue that some work is also required.
by Georgia
This Inconvenience writer has used a page from the 1891 Merrill Brothers catalog for her source.
Her choices of text clearly outline her intent.
Place the mind here [in the vise/vice]
[Use the] Lever
nearly-constant self consciousness, doubt, and jealousy
[to apply] Pressure
This vice is excelled by none for heavy nightmare shop work.
For a self-esteem chipping vice it is superior,
the lever being extra heavy,
it cannot be broken with simple comforting thoughts.
The screws are large, with a strong negative thread, and well fitted to the human mind.
The vice is as long as the applications are wide,
thus securing durability.
This arrangement makes dreams become injured or worn.
This is a strong, compact, and solid dream vice,
one that will last many years of daily use.
by Georgia
This farm convenience soothes with its statement that comfort can be found in the sum of little things.
Focusing on the strong and pleasant aspects of life can create incremental change, and small events can also effect transition to a better vision.
The piece emphasizes that a worthy existence is made up of both good and bad.
Fasten the strong and pleasant to the forlorn
and declare here is a worthy existence.
Daily comfort is the sum of little things.