Dreamer’s Mid-Summer Catalogue 1897
Start-You-Right Dream Seeds for Summer Sowing
Dreams are likely subject to change with our prize winning seed.
The very best quality and luxuriant crop.
Source text: Dreer’s Autumn 1897 Seed Catalogue.
by Georgia
Start-You-Right Dream Seeds for Summer Sowing
Dreams are likely subject to change with our prize winning seed.
The very best quality and luxuriant crop.
Source text: Dreer’s Autumn 1897 Seed Catalogue.
by Georgia
Read with discernment: is this a convenience or an inconvenience?
Of course good dreamer’s damages receive good care.
Naturally the possession of goodness in such a case
is determined by
the usage of our own common sense
signed, The Sweet Dreams Tunnel Company
Source document: Carriers of Passengers. Liability for Interruption of Journey, 1907, published by The Virginia Law Register
by Georgia
This convenience warns about the limits of dream damage liability toward those dreamers who have been dishonest in any way.
One who, by fraudulent representations as to her intention,
procures an alternate dream ticket
will have no right to recover for injuries
received while within the dream.
by Georgia
For her source text, this convenience writer has used an 1898 publication entitled Amendments to Quarantine Regulations.
Amendments to Inspection of certain
Dream baggage on and after April 1 until November 15.
[signed] Dreamery Department, October 22, 1898.
Since the last issue of the Public Dream Reports, the Dream Poison has
declined, and fewer reveries have been reported infected.
Inspection service has been abolished
at most of the Cognitive Borders.