Source: A Series of Anatomical Plates by Jones Quain, Sir Erasmus Wilson, and Joseph Pancoast, 1843.
Archives for August 2024
I Try and Mean to Focus
I Try & Mean to Focus
but I cannot sustain the bold strategy
for the visions have come again in my sleep,
and I am afraid.
[garden notes] by Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, 1828.
I Try, & Mean to Gain One More Friend by John Crane of Bromsgrove, 1800.
I Cannot Sing the Old Songs by Claribel, 1876.
Consider the Level of Ease
Source: Freehand Perspective and Sketching by Dora Miriam Norton, 1909.
Lesson in the Tapestry of Dreams
A Lesson in the Tapestry of Dreams
by Eminent Women
Accompany us for a lesson in design to be held
in the space over the plush vision which is
narrower at the bottom and level
with the edge of thought.
Source: A Lesson in Tapestry Painting by Emma Haywood, 1889.