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Report of Curator 29, Dreaming Department
All,—My report for donations
to the Dreamer’s Museum for the last three months:
The monies seem to be missing.
Who is the thief &
where is the money?
by Georgia
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All,—My report for donations
to the Dreamer’s Museum for the last three months:
The monies seem to be missing.
Who is the thief &
where is the money?
by Georgia
Administer doubts
and increase the familiar to lull suspicion.
The principal effect is a wrong feeling
so the mind’s familiarity may soothe.
Disease-production is apparent soon after infection
and exceptional opportunities
for every variety of greater mischief
become possible after that.
Source: Arsenical Poisoning in Beer Drinkers by Theophilus Nicholas Kelynack, publication date 1901.
by Georgia
Source texts: The Golden Wheel Dream-Book and Fortune-Teller, by Felix Fontaine, 1862, and Dreer’s Autumn 1896 Seed Catalogue.
by Georgia
Start-You-Right Dream Seeds for Summer Sowing
Dreams are likely subject to change with our prize winning seed.
The very best quality and luxuriant crop.
Source text: Dreer’s Autumn 1897 Seed Catalogue.