A Dream Bath Cabinet
will cure insomnia—will remove nightmares
and will remove impurities from the mind
We sell the genuine —$10.00 each
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Sidgwick & Co.
Fourth and Washington Streets
by Georgia
will cure insomnia—will remove nightmares
and will remove impurities from the mind
We sell the genuine —$10.00 each
Send for Booklet
Sidgwick & Co.
Fourth and Washington Streets
by Georgia
This writer has used an 1883 publication published by the North Carolina State Board of Health for her source text, the text called A Year’s Campaign Against Dirt: Suggestions To Citizens Of Cities, Towns, Villages And Hamlets, How to Keep Their Streets and Homes in a Healthful Condition.
Most all minds have a few often-frequented anxious thoughts
upon which nearly all the attention of the dream scavengers is bestowed
leaving subconscious states to the chances, or awaiting miraculous release.
An Antidote:
Welcome it all into the body & trust its wisdom.
by Georgia
This inconvenience writer tells her students to use any means of disrupting visions.
The wrute has used a page from the 1910 Stained glass tours in England by Charles Sherrill for her text, and has included an image from the 1905 The visionary, and other poems by Christine Swayne.
The small, constantly recurring, and cunning chance
to refute any kind of visionary
glisten and glitter.
by Georgia
From the Convenience Philosopher Tradition:
What is not?
When are people’s inner lives & thoughts not collated and edited?
How impossible that would be.