Here is another convenience advertisement.
One of the comments throughout the convenience community has concerned written communication.
Some practitioners are able to confidently and independently communicate via the written word.
Other practitioners work best from example.
This book purports to provide examples for those wishing to see what other practitioners had written.
Note the use of the French phrase, Le Bon Reve, meaning the good dream.
Some modern scholars suggest that the inclusion of this phrase is intended to provide the book with the patina of sophistication, but Le Bon Reve does more than that. It tells the reader that its contents are concerned with conveniences only; it does not address any type of inconvenience.
This book has proven to be enormously popular, and rightly so.
The New York Imagination Bazar
Model Letter-Writer and Dreamers’ Oracle
Price 25 cents
This book is a guide for dreamers and seekers to learn effective and sincere letter writing
& provides perfect examples of letters between practitioners and clients.
Every form of letter used in affairs of Le Bon Reve will be found in this little book.
Order from
Unlimited Publishing House
P. O. Box 1727 New York