The writer of this homestead convenience advocates deconstruction, and the phrase break down is used as both a verb and a noun.
When break down is experienced as a noun, the writer recognizes that a seeming break down may actually be a creative experience, and/or an experience full of grace.
Convenience scholars have parsed this passage and have noted that the phrase break down may denote any life experience that causes (or is caused by) stress, depression, anxiety, trauma, etc.
The scholars do NOT attempt to trivialize the physiological causes of a break down, and they do recognize professional help (if required) as contributors to insight and transformation.
When used as a verb, the convenience writer suggests that breaking down habitual ways of thinking, feeling, or behaving is useful. Breaking down is deliberate in this case.
Please note that the writer speaks of necessary repairs. She advocates repair, which scholars take to mean a reassembling of thinking, feeling, and behavior.
She advocates transformation.
Farm Convenience 37 – Break Down the Self
to break down one’s self is to lighten experience
provided the necessary repairs render
Insight and Transformation